Good news! Ivonne passed her baptismal interview yesterday and will be baptized this Saturday. I am so excited for her, she is so awesome. We are teaching quite a few other people, but no one ever comes to church. We find most people we teach from door contacting or in the street. We invite almost everyone we meet to church on Sundays but no one ever actually shows up.
I live in a house which is pretty nice compared to some other houses I've been in. And don't worry grandma, I have a great fan that I take from room to room with me. Right now we are in Panamas winter season, which means it isn't too crazy hot, but it does mean that it rains everyday. And when I say rain I don't mean drizzle I mean full on pounding rain with lightning and thunder. All of the roofs here are metal, it makes it pretty difficult to hear when we try to give lessons and it is raining.
Good news mom, I joined you in the world of giving talks this Sunday. I was asked to talk in sacrament meeting again. I am not really sure how much people understood, but I did my best so that is what really matters, and I felt the spirit there. It is really hard to follow the spirit when I can't just say whatever pops into my head, but I am sure with time I will figure it out.
Mostly, my day is spent walking and talking. People here stare at me a lot but for the most part they are pretty respectful. I did have a 9 or 10 yr old boy yell ¨come to papi´´ out the window of a bus the other day which was pretty entertaining. The good news is no one slams doors here. It has been such a blessing to watch Ivonne's faith grow so rapidly, I know that I am here for a reason, and hopefully I am helping others, even if they don't quite understand everything I say...
I love everyone and I hope you are all safe. My prayers are always with you.
Hermana Bloomfield
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